Miniature Art Painting

Miniature Art

Art painting is on base of story of god and goddess. In the art, story is depicted with the art. It is Miniature usually found in small size and wrote on Lokta (hand made) Paper, Bamboo leaf and woodblock. It is known as Manuscript. Most of Manuscripts are used in Lokta Paper as a book.  As own religion, artists use to depict different kind of manuscript and they used to different medium too. As example, Islamic and European (Christiana) artists use to write on silk on their own story of their religion. 
People could not be succeed yet to found exactly time of begane In Nepal but people are believed that it is found since 11th century while the wall painting beginning with.

                                          MANJU SHREE  

                                     SONGSTÄN GAMPO

                                           LORD BUDDHA
                                           LORD BUDDHA
                                            LORD BUDDHA


                                                LORD BUDDHA
                                 The legend of established Nepal (Manuscript)

                                            LORD BUDDHA
                                       PANCHA BUDDHA

                               NARTESWARA MAHADEV